Moths that thrive on wardrobes
are a bane to many people.
The most common way they get inside houses is by flying through an open door or window or being unintentionally brought in via infested food products, plants or fabric items.
Clothes moths are seldom seen because they avoid light and are most commonly found in dark locations such as closets.
It is a common misconception that adult moths eat fabric It is their larvae, half-inch caterpillars that spend their roughly 10-day-long life cycle fattening up on the contents of wardrobes, that leave those telltale holes.
Damage to articles may consist of irregular surface feeding or holes eaten completely through the fabric.
Although they are most famous for their ability to ruin wool clothes, these insects feed on a variety of animal-based materials, including fur, silk, feathers and leather. Synthetic fabrics such as polyester and rayon are rarely attacked unless blended with wool or if they are heavily soiled with food stains or body oils.
The best way to avoid the problem is through prevention. Woolens and other susceptible fabrics should be dry cleaned or laundered before being stored for long periods.
Articles to be stored should then be packed in tight-fitting containers but avoiding using moth balls
containing paradichlorobenzene or napthalene. Such pesticides can in fact kill
the insects but, when taking a look at their ingredients, they are classified as possible carcinogens and show negative effects from inhalation.
On the other hand, contrary to popular belief, cedar closets or chests are seldom effective by themselves, because the seal is insufficient to maintain a lethal or repellent concentration of the volatile oil of cedar.
Apart from cleanliness, the best line of defense is to properly store clothes made of wool, fur, silk, feathers and leather. And why not … those made of cashmere. Plastics bags made with anti-moth repellents can definitively avoid the problem.
VIBA can offer its VIBATAN® LDPE ANTI-MOTH MASTERBATCH 04568 a composition of a special bacteriostatic agent dispersed on a polyethylene carrier, free from heavy metals and arsenic.
Our innovative product has been expressly developed for the production of polyethylene films
for textile and clothing industry, in particular for the production of plastic bags aimed to the protection
of woolens in closets.
Cashmere, Vicuna, Angora, Mohair and Merino wool need to be perfectly preserved
from moths.
Plastic bags made with VIBATAN® LDPE ANTI-MOTH MASTERBATCH 04568 protect clothes from damages and save their value.
You can ask for more information on the matter simply contacting our Technical Office.